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14-Jun-2018 Dante Firmware Updates Model 5422

New Model 5422 Main Firmware

We’re pleased to announce the release of main firmware version 1.12 for the Model 5422 Dante Intercom Audio Engine. The new version includes improvements to the unit’s FTP and HTML performance and reliability. There are also a number of other internal updates and enhancements. To user’s the only thing that may be noticed is that several of the text names associated with the IFB function have been revised for clarity.

Version 1.12 applies to both the Model 5422-01 and Model 5422-02 configurations. While it’s not critical that units in the field be updated to 1.12, it’s recommended that they are. This can be easily performed by way of the Model 5422’s integrated FTP client. As long as the unit is on a network with access to the internet the process should take just a few minutes. Alternately, a local FTP server can be setup and the firmware file downloaded from the Studio Technologies website.

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