The Model 5304 Intercom Station provides four independent talk and listen channels that are compatible with Dante® audio-over-Ethernet networks. An extensive range of configurable parameters allow the performance to be…
The Model 5312 Intercom Station provides 12 independent talk and listen channels that are compatible with Dante® audio-over-Ethernet networks. The rack-mounted unit is designed to serve as an audio control…
The Model 5401A Dante Leader Clock provides precise timing signals for applications that utilize the Dante audio-over-IP media networking technology. The unit implements a high-performance IEEE® 1588 precision time protocol…
The Model 5402 Dante Leader Clock with GNSS Synchronization provides precise timing signals for applications that utilize the Dante audio-over-IP (AoIP) media networking technology. The unit implements a high-performance IEEE®…
The Model 5412 Audio Interface provides a simple yet high-performance means of interfacing line-level analog signals with applications that utilize Dante® audio-over-Ethernet media networking technology. The Model 5412 is available…
The Model 5418 Mic/Line Interface provides a simple yet high-performance means of interfacing analog signals with applications that utilize Dante® audio-over-Ethernet media networking technology. Eight analog microphone- or line-level sources…
The Model 5421 Dante Intercom Audio Engine is a high-performance, cost-effective, and flexible solution for creating party-line (PL) intercom circuits when used with Dante®-compatible products. It's directly compatible with the…
The Model 5422A Dante Intercom Audio Engine is a high-performance, cost-effective, and flexible solution for creating party-line (PL) intercom circuits when used with Dante®-compatible products. These include the Studio Technologies'…
The Model 5422A Dante Intercom Audio Engine is a high-performance, cost-effective, and flexible solution for creating party-line (PL) intercom circuits when used with Dante®-compatible products. These include the Studio Technologies' range of 1-, 2-, and 4-channel intercom beltpacks. The Model 5422A will also prove value in a variety of other general audio and broadcast-related mixing, IFB (talent cuing), and interfacing…