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14-Jun-2022 AES67 Dante ST 2110

DSCP Tag Values

Dante® audio-over-Ethernet networking technology can support the requirements of the AES67 and SMPTE® ST 2110 technical standards. Studio Technologies offers a number of Dante-enabled products, all of which are capable of having their AES67 and/or ST 2110 capability enabled. This is performed using the Dante Controller software application.

For compatibility with a number important AES67 and ST 2110 technical parameters, Dante was required to implement several DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point or DiffServ) tag values. Selecting the optimum values was an evolutionary process and as of the writing of this Technical Note the correct values have apparently been established. This document will provide details about the supported DSCP tag values.

The firmware utilized by the UltimoX integrated circuit was updated in March of 2022 with the release of version This included changing the DSCP tag values for PTPv2 time events and RTP audio (media) streams to EF (46) and AF41 (34), respectively. (Previously the DSCP values were 56 and 46, respectively, and were not optimal.)

Dante interfaces that utilize the Brooklyn II module and the Broadway integrated circuit with firmware and later support DSCP tag values for PTPv2 time events and RTP audio (media) streams to EF (46) and AF41 (34), respectively. This firmware was released in 2019.

The upcoming Brooklyn 3 module is expected to provide DSCP values for PTPv2 time events as EF (46) and for RTP audio (media) streams as AF41 (34). The release date for this module is anticipated to be late 2022 or early 2023.


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