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06-Nov-2020 Dante Firmware Updates Model 5422

New Firmware Enhances Model 5422 Dante Intercom Audio Engine Performance

Studio Technologies has released new Main and FPGA firmware (embedded software) for the Model 5422 Dante® Intercom Engine product. The first major update since the product was first released in early 2017, it ensures that the Model 5422 maintains industry-leading performance along with a better user experience. Version 2 adds new capabilities and expanded options for both the Model 5422-01 (32-channel) and Model 5422-02 (64-channel) versions. All newly shipping Model 5422 units will incorporate the new firmware. And all existing units can be field-updated at no charge, ensuring that they will remain up-to-date with the latest features.

Highlights include:

  • Auto Mix

The Model 5422 adds Auto Mix functionality to provide enhanced audio intelligibility and level control. This feature, implemented using a sophisticated FPGA-based algorithm, is unique to party-line (PL) intercom applications and offers users the opportunity to obtain the absolutely finest audio performance. Studio Technologies is confident that the Model 5422’s Auto Mix capability will meet or exceed the automatic mixer performance of virtually all other hardware- or software-based devices.

  • New Group Modes

Three new group modes have been added to the Model 5422’s configurable resources. Two of the new modes allow Auto Mix capability to be enabled for party-line (PL) and summing bus (unity gain mixer) applications. The third new mode, Audio Switching, allows control of Dante audio channels using high-frequency audio tones generated by a range of other Studio Technologies’ products. The Audio Switching mode can be used to easily implement audio control for applications that range in complexity from a single channel up to a maximum of 32. Combined with the existing group modes, the Model 5422 can serve as the audio “hub” for countless live-event, broadcast, and production intercom and general-audio applications.

  • Enhanced Channel Naming

For improved Model 5422 channel management, the ability to create and edit Dante channel names has been expanded. This allows a much-superior method of establishing group, mode, and channel names that will assist users in deploying a wide range of applications.

  • Miscellaneous Improvements

Several other significant changes are incorporated in version 2 of the Model 5422’s firmware. An updated webpage design for the configuration menu system allows for an improved user experience. In addition, the level trim range for all Dante transmitter (output) channels has been increased to ±20 dB, matching the capability of the Model 5422’s Dante receiver (input) channels.

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