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Tag: intercom beltpacks

29-Nov-2023 Press Releases

Studio Technologies Takes Communications Infrastructure to the Next Level with Scalable and Flexible Audio Solution Upgrade for Journey Church

LAKE WORTH, FL, 29 NOVEMBER 2023 – When Diversified, a leading global technology solutions provider, was given the task of upgrading the existing AV system at Journey Church in Lake Worth, Florida, the company was looking to bring innovative communications and enhanced production capabilities while combining high value, reliability, and ease of use to the house of worship. Diversified found its answer with a selection of equipment from Studio Technologies,

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30-Mar-2022 Press Releases

Yale Athletics Partners with Studio Technologies to Implement Dante Infrastructure

NEW HAVEN, CT, 30 MARCH 2022 – Yale Athletics partners with ESPN+ to broadcast 21 of the university’s varsity sports, producing up to 200 live events annually. The university recently started adding video boards into its productions, with nine varsity teams utilizing them across three venues, including a 2019 installation at the Yale Bowl — the school’s 107-year-old football stadium. Yale’s production personnel sought contemporary audio capabilities to support the new video boards and workflow and turned to Studio Technologies,

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08-Jan-2020 Press Releases

Bulldog Broadcasting Network Leverages Studio Technologies’ Audio Solutions

KEARNEY, MO, 8 JANUARY 2020 – Kearney High School in Missouri provides students with firsthand broadcast experience through its Bulldog Broadcasting Network (BBN). The broadcasting class allows students to cover about 25 football and basketball games aired on ESPN3 each year, along with several other games and events hosted on the school’s YouTube channel. To bolster students’ experience in the classroom and on the field, the school recently upgraded its broadcast workflow with Model 371A and Model 373A Intercom Beltpacks,

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