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07-Jun-2018 ST 2110

ST 2110 Products Coming Soon!

Studio Technologies is making good progress with our upcoming set of products that support the new ST 2110 standards. First to be ready will be the line-level analog to/from ST 2110 interfaces. The Model 5512-01 will have 8-in/8-out. The Model 5512-02 will have 16-in/16-out. (See for photos of actual unit.) We’re targeting next month (July 2018) for first field trials.

Development is also going well on the Model 5518 which will have 8 mic/line inputs (XLR3F connectors on the front panel) and 8 line-level analog outputs (DB-25F on the back panel). Expect to have units to try out in the field during August 2018.

All units will support ST 2110-10 and -30 as well as ST 2022-7 Seamless Protection Switching (“redundant streams”). Three GigE interfaces for flexibility when interfacing with different network implementations. Browser-accessed menu system will offer some great features to allow simple and powerful trouble-shooting resources. Just the analog and digital loop-back capability will make installation and initial deployment simple. Built-in sine-wave generator capability will make testing signal paths easy to perform.

If you are planning on deploying ‘2110 technology let us be part of your designs. We’d be happy to compare ideas on what we’re doing and learn about what you will be trying to accomplish.

We’re very excited about this new technology and hope to contribute to its adoption with reliable, easy-to-deploy, cost-effective solutions.

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